Career Development Resource
Click the buttons below to find important M&E Career resources on the following topics and take your next steps:
Understanding the profession​
What is the difference between evaluation, research, project management, and accounting?
What is the difference between evaluation and monitoring?
What are the different evaluation approaches, methods and issues to consider when designing an evaluation?
Jargons in evaluation (RCT, IE, AI….)
Preparing practice
What skills / competencies do I need to become an evaluator?
What is the best training / where can I find training and education?
Do you need a degree (offered by a University) in M&E to be considered an evaluator?
Should I specialize (sector / methods) or be a generalist?
How much do I need to know in terms of methods?
Accessing the market
How do I find a job?
How do I network in evaluation?
What is the evaluation landscape?
What are the main evaluation career paths?
How do I become a professional evaluator?
How do I set up myself as an entrepreneur or independent consultant?
How do I transition from another profession to evaluation?
Perfecting Practice
What are the main evaluation innovation trends?
What are the key technological tools / softwares an evaluator has to be savvy on?